Semester project, Bybolig AHO

“Nabolaget” is an apartment block that challenges the way we live in the city, as an answer to the semester task on studying the lamella as a building typology.

More and more people are suffering from loneliness, and we live in our apartments for many years without knowing our neighbours. In this building you live closer, but not cramped. You should be able to easily socialise and get to know the neighbours, but also retire to your own little house.

For this to work, the lamella is divided into five “neighbourhoods”.

Inspired by the traditional Norwegian “gårdstun” or courtyard, each neighbourhood has its own courtyard in the block’s semi-outdoor common room.Here you can sit outside and have your morning coffee with the neighbours on the weekends, or help each other with small projects.

Each neighbourhood has different units constructed of timber, this way the lamella seeks to include a wider range of people.

The lamella stands on pillars and forms a public garden space beneath it. Some of the larger family apartments stretches down here so that they get private garden spots and outdoor areas.

The entrances to the apartments are located towards the common room so that there is a natural interaction between the neighbours. All units also have their own private balcony. Both balconies and window openings are located so that you can not look into your neighbors house. This to ensure a feeling of privacy.